How much does a big mac cost in britain
How much does a big mac cost in britain

how much does a big mac cost in britain

Malaysia retained its position as the third best destination in the System are familiar to most international companies. English is widely used in Malaysia especially inĬountry's legal and accounting practices derived from the British Trained overseas in fields such as engineering, and accountancy,Īllowing them to adapt easily to an international corporateĮnvironment. Many of Malaysia's university graduates are Malaysia's major pull factors is its large pool of young, educatedĪnd trainable workforce. Malaysia a highly competitive manufacturing and export base. Market-oriented economy and government policies that provideīusinesses with the opportunity for growth and profits have made Price of Big Macs, or is she making educated guesses?Ĥ. The speaker is sure about the reasons she gives for the How much do a Big Mac and large fries cost in Russia? How long do youī) Listen to the following sentences. How long must people work in Nairobi, Caracas, London To buy a Big Mac and a large portion of French fries.

#How much does a big mac cost in britain full

Takes almost two full working days for the average worker to earn The Big Mac Indexīig Mac type hamburger and a large portion of French fries around the 'The Big Mac Index' shows how long it takes in different countries to earn enough money to buy a Big Mac with French fries. Student b: Look at the graph below which shows cinema attendance for Poland, Germany and Britain.ģ.

  • E) Listen to how the verbs and nouns are pronounced:.
  • The text describes the trends for m&s's profits in key markets.
  • Read paragraphs 6, 7, 8, then answer the questions:.
  • Read paragraphs 3-5 and say which of the following are mentioned:
  • On the retailing side m&s is involved in various product ranges.
  • Read paragraph 3 and say which two sectors Marks & Spencer deals in.
  • What were profits like when the text was written? No Quick Respite in Sight for m&s*

    how much does a big mac cost in britain

    The newspaper article below is about Marks & Spencer (m&s). Read the examples to see how they are used. The words in bold are connectors that show the writer is adding more information. World beaters: the most competitive countries (previous ranking in brackets)

  • Look at the top list which ranks countries according to competitiveness.
  • Read the following sentences and match them to possible reasons.
  • Look at the shopping baskets which show the prices of everyday goods in five countries.
  • What kind of business can you start? Will it work?.
  • Listen to the first part of a seminar and answer the questions. Then discuss the questions using the given phrases. Read the following expressions and check you understand them. In some cases there may be more than one correct answer. In pairs, decide which of the advantages and disadvantages below you would associate with the following forms of business. Read about management styles and then the stories of people from different countries about their bosses. Read the portraits of managers in five different countries and decide which country each one corresponds to.
  • A) Where do you think each of the following headings should be placed?.
  • Read the quotes and say if you agree or disagree with them, then discuss the quotes with your partner. Who is Ricardo Semler? What problem did he have? Prepare to describe a job you would like to do in the future. Complete the sentences below using the given words/phrases. Look at the list of expressions describing job requirements, then match the definitions (1-6) to an expression.

    how much does a big mac cost in britain

    Which workers normally do these things? Make sentences using the suitable professions. Read the questions and check the meaning of the words in bold. Work in pairs to find out about emi (Electrical Musical Industries), one of the world's leading music companies. Read the information about Boeing, ignoring punctuation for the moment.

    how much does a big mac cost in britain

    Can you name three of Bic's products? Now quickly read the text to check. The text is about the French company, Bic. The writer uses the Present tense to make the summary seem “alive”. Match the information about these multinational companies to the correct company. Work in pairs and discuss what you know about Ford and its history.

    How much does a big mac cost in britain